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Drum Love

— CD —

Drum Love  est le fruit des expériences passées et du cheminement personnel de Larry Crockett dans les méandres d’une destinée riche et palpitante. Larry Crockett l’envisage comme « un écho de son aventure musicale ». Dire combien la batterie a modelé son existence, réaffirmer son désir de transmettre une parole positive, apporter un réconfort spirituel à travers son répertoire, toutes ces résolutions sont devenues essentielles pour ce musicien cinquantenaire qui a connu les soubresauts d’une société américaine embourbée dans ses contradictions […]

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My Wish

— CD —

This CD is very different from Be Somebody (below). First off, Larry composes and sings lead vocals on the majority of the songs. You get to hear his musical and soulful roots—especially on tracks such as Daddy O, Black Boy and My Wish. With this CD Larry lets you into his world and life through his music and lyrics. Special guests lend their support and add extra flavor to this jazzy/soul CD. With these guests Larry is able to explore music that is not a typical CD as such. A reggae version of Davy Crockett with new lyrics is funny and grooving. Ali-Mu, a young rising rap star who happens to be Larry’s cousin, helps out on a rockin’ rap tune called The Game. Guests include: Popa Chubby, Penny Wells, Eric Bibb and Billy Hector.


Peace & Serenity

— CD —

Inspiration for this CD was Margie Beale, Larry’s godmother and aunt. While she was battling cancer, she and Larry discussed things that helped her get through difficult days. This CD was to be one of them. Unfortunately, she passed away two weeks before the recording took place. Deeply saddened by her loss and hurt that he was not able to help his beloved aunt, this CD almost became a secret that only he and his aunt knew. However, Larry thought that he must keep his promise to her and that there must be people in the world that could benefit from it. Although this CD was to help someone fight cancer, it can certainly help people with lesser struggles and difficult days. It is in this spirit that this project is made and offered to you the listener. Enjoy. Larry Crockett has been practicing meditation for 15 years. He has studied with respected and world-renowned teachers and masters.


Crock Pott – Be Somebody

— CD —

Crock Pott is one of Larry’s nicknames but also the name of his first CD as a bandleader.

This CD features classic R&B/jazz popular in the black community during Larry’s upbringing. The familiarity and joy comes through the music and arrangements—the mixture of soul and jazz—show casing wonderful musicians.




The ultimate LEFT HAND system for drummers

— Book —

(English Text / Texte en anglais)

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Peace Revolution

— Book —

(English Text / Texte en anglais)

Would you like to have more peace in your life? Would you like to see more peace in the world? Then this book may have some answers for you and for us as a society. With no promises of instant world or personal peace, it does offer hope and a road map. It is written in the context of wonderful personal short stories, which will delight you as well as make you think and laugh. As an international touring musician, some of these stories are pricelss. Not content to simply fuel your imagination, this book explores many of the different aspects of peace and what we can personally do to experience it. If you lke short stories with a message, this book is for you. It was inspired by « The little red book » written by Paul Austere.


Sex & Drumming

— Book —

(English Text / Texte en anglais)

Sex & Drumming is full of practical and immediate ways to play better, supported by funny and embarrassing stories. With « Mr. Sticks » tons of experience on and off the stage, these lessons are priceless. This book goes where no traditional drum book would dare!


101 keys to success, in music & life

— Book —

(English Text / Texte en anglais)

Musicians are buying this gem of a book in record numbers. Its popularity, in part, is due to the realization that being good doesn’t guarantee success. Concisely written, it gives you 101 ways to attain the success you want and deserve. It is for all frustrated musicians who are in the dark about what it really takes to be successful.

No charts or exercises are included. Developing your musical ability can make you successful in and by itself. The book zeroes in on the other important things that speed the process. Many talented musicians are not working, not known outside their local town or city, frustrated and bitter. This book addresses exact things one can do and how to think that will lead to getting recognition, work, $$ for your talent.

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Life Illusions.
A spiritual Journey to inner peace

— Book —

(English Text / Texte en anglais)

What if there were a way to see this life differently? And with this new vision, to be more fulfilled, peaceful and happy than before?

This book presents a new way to describe the wisdom of the ages. It gives us a peek behind the curtain, as the title suggests – it lets us see through our illusions. It is a journey filled with amusing true stories, capable of touching that part of you that knows the truth when hearing it.

Unimaginable beauty, infinite joy and peace are just some of the wonders we can discover after we courageously look beyond our roles, titles and labels.

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