Peace and Serenity
Inspiration for this CD was Margie Beale, Larry’s godmother and aunt. While she was battling cancer, she and Larry discussed things that helped her get through difficult days. This CD was to be one of them. Unfortunately, she passed away two weeks before the recording took place. Deeply saddened by her loss and hurt that he was not able to help his beloved aunt, this CD almost became a secret that only he and his aunt knew. However, Larry thought that he must keep his promise to her and that there must be people in the world that could benefit from it. Although this CD was to help someone fight cancer, it can certainly help people with lesser struggles and difficult days. I t is in this spirit that this project is made and offered to you the listener. Enjoy. Larry Crockett has been practicing meditation for 15 years. He has studied with respected and world-renowned teachers and masters.